Our Impact

What you helped us achieve

Every day we hear incredible stories of how the lives of women and girls are changing for the better.

We're on a Mission to

Empower underprivileged children by providing access to quality education. We also work to raise awareness about menstrual hygiene and provide necessary resources for young girls. Together, we strive to break the cycle of poverty and give every child the opportunity to reach their full potential.

Everybody should have a reasonable quality of life

How does a it look like?

a life in which they need not struggle or suffer to make ends meet, a life that allows one to provide reasonable safety and security to their families & children, a life that one can live with dignity and on their terms.

We can make this a reality.

Together, let's build a better tomorrow for all.

Take a step now

Your help, made it possible

Milestones Reached

With your support we have done this so far, we need to do more


Communities Reach


Students with Kits


Ration Kits


Aid Kits

Download our annual reports

Learn more about our impacts.

Annual report

Annual Report

 Annual report

Annual Report

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Indian Awaz Foundation is a national organisation working on Poverty Alleviation, Quality Education and Community Development.

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